Testing Information
Date | Assessment | Grade Level | Purpose | Local Contact | |
3x per year September 16-20 December 9-13 April 22-25 | MAP Growth Assessment | K-12 | Formative assessment to guide instruction and measure student growth in reading, language usage, and math (Estimated test time-60 min per test) | District-Selected | Nick Olson |
September 26, 2024 | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | 11th Grade | The ASVAB is a nationally-normed, multi-aptitude test battery that measures student strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success. The ASVAB also provides the examinee with career information for various civilian and military occupations. It is an indicator for success in future occupations whether students choose to go to college, vocational school, or a military career. | District-Selected | Brianna Keogh |
2024-2025 Dates: September 14 October 26 December 14 February 8 | ACT | 11th & 12th Grade | The ACT is a standardized test that measures a student's skills in five core areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing (optional). The ACT is used as a college entrance exam and qualifying test for many scholarships. | 11th grade required 12th grade optional | Brianna Keogh |
February 18, 2025 | National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) | 12th Grade | The NCRC is a national credential designed to offer an accurate prediction about the success of people in the workplace. | State-Mandated | Brianna Keogh |
January 28-February 28, 2025 | ACCESS for ELLs and ACCESS for ELLs Alternate Assessment | All EL students (K through 12) | State Required assessment to measure English language proficiency for students identified as English Learners (Estimated time is 3 hours) | State-Mandated | Genevieve Klinkhammer |
NOT TESTED THIS SCHOOL YEAR | National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) | Grades 4 & 8 | The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subjects. Its two major goals are to measure student achievement and to report change in student performance over time. Estimated test time is 120 minutes. | State-Mandated | Brianna Keogh |
March 24 - May 2, 2025 | SD Science | Grade 5, 8 & 11 | Varies | State Mandated | Brianna Keogh |
March 24 - May 2, 2025 | SD English Language Arts Assessment and SD Math Assessment | Grades 3-8; 11 | State-required summative assessment measuring ELA and math achievement (Estimated test time = 2-4 hours per test) | State-Mandated | Brianna Keogh |
March 10-April 25, 2025 | MSAA - ELA and Math Alternate Assessment | Grades 3- through 8, 11 | State required alternate, summative assessment measuring ELA and math achievement for identified SPED students (Estimated test time = 2.5 hours) * Individual results are shared with parents/guardians the following fall. | State-Mandated | Morgan Gerken |