On Monday, November 21st we host Ethan in Junior High basketball. Please note the change in format. We are playing TWO games. 4:00 BOYS 4:45 GIRLS
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
Canistota Hawks Basketball Fundraiser All orders are to be purchased via the link below. The deadline to order is Monday, November 21st. https://canistota-hoops-2022.itemorder.com/shop/home/
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
There has been a change to the schedule for today’s JH BB games at Howard. There will be one girls game at 4 pm, followed by 7th grade boys at 4:45 pm and ending with 8th grade boys at 5:30 pm.
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
Canistota Oral Interp students had an exciting audience member at the competition today. Even more exciting is everyone moves on to Regions in Sioux Falls! Congratulations to all who competed!
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
Tonight's Region 3B volleyball game will be streamed on the Colman-Egan YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaektAJsmOyS4Y361XrG4TA
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
Thursday's second round 9A playoff game against Warner will be live streamed on Warner's YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsAm3Qa8Yqlu8sQ32FRk7sQ/featured
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
Tonight's volleyball games will stream on the Freeman High School NFHS site. You will need a paid subscription in order to stream this event.
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
All of tonight's volleyball matches in Montrose will stream on the MCM NFHS website. A paid subscription is needed to watch the games. The varsity volleyball game will stream on the MCM LiveTicket site. A subscription is not needed for this stream. cougars.liveticket.tv
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
We are having a sendoff for our State Cross Country Runners tomorrow, Saturday October 22nd. The van is leaving at 10:00 am so please line main street for them as they are escorted out of town! Signs are encouraged! Our state qualifiers this year are Josiah Schroeder, Kaden Christian, Maria Addy, and Gabby Eichmann! Come wish them good luck as they represent our district in Huron!
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
cross country
There will be an information meeting for the upcoming 2022-2023 AAU wrestling season on October 25th at 6:30 p.m. in the school library.
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
Tonight's 9A first round football game will be streamed on the Alcester-Hudson YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTafBpgPGvy0JDcojoUy6kw/featured
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
Check out the dig pink activities scheduled for Monday nights Volleyball game!
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
dig pink
Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, October 20th. If you missed picture day, you may pre-order and pre-pay online at the following link. https://marks.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/LoginConsumer?EK=201587
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
pic retake
Public Notice Snow Removal Bids Requested The Canistota School District #43-1 is accepting bids for Snow Removal Services for the Winter Season 2022-2023. Please submit your bid based upon the following specifications: Snow will need to be removed in a timely manner to prepare for school each day. Snow will need to be removed from the parking lots around the perimeter of the building and the street to the East of the building. Bid pricing should be based on rates for a skid loader at a price per hour, big loader at price per hour, dump truck at a price per hour, and a pickup with a blade at a price per hour. The Canistota School District Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids which do not meet the school district’s specifications. Please send your bid to: Canistota Board of Education c/o Jamie Miller, School Business Manager at PO Box 8, Canistota, SD 57012. Bids should be to the School Business Manager by November 9, 2022 by 4:00 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
snow remoal
To better serve our students, we are performing a small-scale needs assessment to form a school improvement plan. Part of that process is data collection, where we get feedback from stakeholders, students, teachers, and staff. If you have not already, please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey linked below if you are a parent of a student currently in the district or a recent graduate, the past 2-3 years from the district. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vlUBVbrpxA1QxNoVsTnsJF606Q-6j-CsSUJJNLg_Ubg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0VliMVPNtERW5ATV1-6_EmxYIe7RqWBmpnHihJmPAL8KsLSy64P2Qkhd8&edit_requested=true
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
your voice
This link is open all year long! Anytime is a great time to send a positive shout-out to our teachers, staff, custodians, coaches, or bus drivers. https://forms.gle/S5eHNuhZ2tByUdys8
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Ortman
Thank you to Grand Prairie Food for donating over 500 pounds of frozen vegetables to our food service program. A special thank you to Ryan and Kerri Cox for delivering! We would also like to thank Wendy Kleinsasser for donating cantaloupe and watermelon from her garden!
about 2 years ago, Jamie Miller
thank you
Tonight's high school volleyball games can be found at the following link: https://wolves.liveticket.tv/ Also, everyone is encouraged to wear pink as this is their "Pink Out Night".
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide
Dear parents, Our SCHOOL PICTURES ARE IN! Check your child's backpack for the packets tonight, please. If you require a re-do for any reason, the cost to Mark's Photography is $5. That amount can be sent on the day of the re-takes.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Ortman
You can watch tonight's football game at the following link. https://youtu.be/-VJECXVPd1g
about 2 years ago, Brandon Blide